How do I know my AC isn’t working properly?
If you have an air conditioner, and it is not working as expected when the summer’s heat hits, you would not miss the signs. If you are sweating while sitting on your couch and doing close to nothing, then indeed, that is an obvious sign that your air conditioning framework is not working properly.
Yet, other signs are less obvious, and they can be important indicators that you need an air conditioning fix or maintenance.
It is important to consider that your air conditioning framework not cooling as expected can be in excess of an irritation. A hot and humid house can contribute to the growth of mold and bug invasions, making a well-being risk for each of the individuals residing there. Thus, looking at the signs of an air conditioner not working accurately enables you to maximize the air conditioner productivity and know when to schedule an HVAC technician.
Signs of inaccurate working of an air conditioner :
- Weak or Warm Air Flow
Central air conditioning works by taking warm air, transferring it to outside your home, and afterward blowing cooled air inside the home. This simplification of a complex process can assist you with understanding the reason why weak airflow can be an indication of issues with the AC unit. If your framework is blowing hot air, it could probably be due to a problem in the compressor or the refrigerator, and if the airflow is weak, it could be due to an issue with the air filter. It is thus recommended to have a certified AC technician look at your air conditioning framework if the airflow is highly altered.
- Strange Noises from the framework
Some air conditioners are quieter than others, and older HVAC frameworks can be significantly louder than newer ones. In any case, if you start hearing new, peculiar sounds then it could probably be a warning that your air conditioner requires a professional service.
Each type of sound speaks a lot about the part of the air conditioner framework that needs to be looked upon. A squealing sound relates to any issue with the blower fan or the compressor fan, a whistling sound might indicate an issue with the refrigerant, a grinding sound is a sign of a potential issue with the AC compressor, and each one of them could lead to pricy breakdown if the framework is not serviced immediately.
Air conditioners are complex machines, with a ton of moving parts, so they all will make at least some noise. Yet, on the off chance that the sounds are unusual, you are smart to be proactive and schedule air conditioner services before the issue escalates any further leading to potential expense.
- There is moisture leakage
If you see any spills around your air conditioning framework, you have an issue to address. In some cases, it is not serious. Sometimes the pooling of water could be because of the blocked condensation drain tube. In this case, also, you require an expert to unclog the tube and treat it to prevent the growth of rust or mold that can block the tube and cause flooding.
In other cases, the dampness could be from a leak, which is a significant issue. If you suspect any break in the refrigerant, you will need to schedule an air conditioner repair immediately. Refrigerant leaks can affect your family’s well-being and are destructive to the environment.
- Strange odors
If there is a strange smell when your HVAC framework is running, do not overlook it. It might not be a serious problem, however, it is time for a proficient air conditioning service.
A pungent smell could be a sign of a damaged wire insulation, whereas a smell of exhaust can indicate a fluid leak. Furthermore, the smell of dirty feet directs to the fact of development of mildew or fungus in your HVAC framework.
- Higher electricity bills
Heating and cooling a home can account for nearly half of a homes’s electricty usage. When the scorching heat of summer arrives, the demands on your central air conditioning become high which causes a rise in the electricity bills due to the peak utilization. Yet, an alarming electricity bill may be a reminder for an air conditioning device not working properly. The probable reasons behind this can be:
- Dirty air filters :
If the air filters of the framework are dirty, your air conditioner will need to be run for a longer period of time to cool your home, thus consuming more electricity.
- Leaks in ductwork:
If there is a leak in the duct, your AC framework will need to work harder to cool your space as it is the ductwork that distributes air throughout your home.
- Reduced effectiveness or Mechanical failure
If a part of your AC unit needs a fix, the whole framework turns out to be less efficient and requires longer run times.
- Low refrigerant
If your AC unit does not have enough refrigerant, then it will take longer to cool your space. Low refrigerant levels are usually caused by a leak, and you will need an air conditioning professional to analyze the issues.
- Failing thermostat
If a thermostat fails, the air conditioner probably won’t turn on at all because the room temperature cannot be read accurately. This can be dealt with by lowering the temperature a few degrees below the thermostat’s reading of the room temperature. If the air conditioner does not start running within a few minutes, an HVAC expert should check your thermostat and other air condtinning hardware. Even if it needs a replacement, an air conditioning professional can assist you with a programmable thermostat thus allowing your framework to run more efficiently and save your money.
Call us at Wtfix Air – for air conditioner repair of all Types and Brands.
You can constantly depend on Wtfixair to get you a fast service and get the job done in no time. Wtfixair is dedicated to delivering you outstanding air conditioner services and uses best-in-class analytic gear to source all your Air Conditioner problems and fix them quickly. We provide 24/7 Emergency Service to all of our customers, with no travel charges, and guaranteed licensed professionals.
Contact Wtfixair based in Victoria, 3072, Australia, as it provides Professional Air Conditioner Services to Adelaide, Canberra, Darwin, Melbourne, Perth, Queensland, Sydney, and Tasmania. Get a Free Estimate for a New AC Installation, Cleaning, or other Upkeep services by Scheduling Your Service Call today at (1300) 019 320, or mail us at [email protected].