Why choose an evaporative air-cooling system?

Evaporative air-cooling systems are best suitable for the climate with low humidity levels. It cools your home in an energy-efficient way. It is environmentally friendly too. Also, you can use it for residential as well as for offices. These units are able to cool down up to 20 degrees Celsius below the outside temperature. You can avail the following benefits by choosing these systems for your place.

  1. It gives a comfortable and cool environment to enjoy and work peacefully.
  2. Also, it offers good indoor air quality.
  3. These units come at quite a reasonable price.
  4. They are energy efficient for cooling solutions.
  5. It is a sustainable technique that is environmentally friendly.

Apart from these benefits, it has a lower installation cost. It adds moisture to the air so it is best suitable for hot and dry climates. So, you can contact WtfixAir to determine the suitable size of the unit for your place as well as for its installation.

What are the benefits of servicing an evaporative air conditioning system?

Evaporative Air Conditioner Installation Near me your Home . Regular servicing of your system ensures its smooth operation and long life. Although you may feel that your unit is working fine. But it gathers dust and debris over time which can cause serious damage to your system in the long run. So, it is very important to service your system from time to time. Dirty cooling systems are also bad for health as they do not blow pure air. You can WtfixAir experts for outstanding, reliable, and budget-friendly evaporative air conditioner servicing. Regular servicing will reap the following benefits.

  1. Over time dust, dirt, and debris gathers on the air filters and ductwork. This can decrease the working efficiency of your unit. Dirty air filters will block the airflow and will not be able to circulate enough cool air. So, ignoring servicing will decrease the cooling power of your system over time. Our technicians will clean every essential part of your system so that you can enjoy cool and fresh air during summer.
  2. It has been calculated that on average, the Australian household uses 40% energy for heating and cooling systems. However, if your unit is dirty then it will increase the operation cost by around 15%.
  3. Proper maintenance and care of your unit ensure the long life of the system. Also, you can avoid significant repair costs. Your unit will run better and longer which will save you money.
  4. Besides cooling, your system offers you clean and fresh air. So, proper cleaning will maintain better air quality at your place.

How often do I need to service my evaporative air conditioner?

You need to service your system to ensure its proper functioning and long life. Regular servicing will keep your system operating efficiently. So, it is very important to service your system at least once a year. We suggest you call technicians for proper servicing before the summer season starts. Servicing before summer will ensure that your unit is not suffering from any damage. Also, it is ready to serve your cool and fresh year during summer without asking for repairs.

We strongly suggest not to service it by yourself because the experts are well aware of the brand. So, the technicians can use tools and service them professionally. If you want emergency repair service or regular servicing then you can call WtfixAir 24/7 right away.

What do experts do to ensure the long life of your evaporative air conditioner?

WtfixAir technicians are experienced and are able to fix any sort of breakdown in your system. So, you can call our experts for all types of services all across Australia. Our experts service your system and repair the fault, if any, to ensure its smooth operation throughout the year. They make sure that your unit is functioning at its best performance. An evaporative air conditioning service includes:

  1. Our technicians clean the filter pads and water pump carefully. Cleaning with proper tools removes dirt and debris from ductwork and air filters. So, you get proper airflow and clean air in your room.
  2. They check the drain valve, float valve, and solenoid valve. Also, they check for leaks and drips from the waterline. It is very important to check for leaks because ignoring them can cause serious damage to your system.
  3. Our professionals look if the motor and fan are working properly. They check the speed and modes of operation. Our experts lubricate the motor for its smooth operation. Also, they fix the problem right away if they find any breakdown in the unit.
  4. They test the outlets to make sure there is no blockage in the airflow.

If the cooling pads become old then they change it for proper and efficient cooling.